Saturday, March 15, 2014

Getting Started with XAMPP 1.5 AND PHPDesigner 8

Getting Started with XAMPP 1.5 AND PHPDesigner 8


XAMPP is one of the popular Apache-MySQL-PHP (AMP) bundles available for Windows, Linux and Mac Platform. We will be using version 1.5 as some existing development environments are still using it.
PHPDesigner is one of the popular Integrated Development Environment softwares for PHP scripting in Windows environment. It is very convenient to switch between source codes editor, debugger and browser preview using this software.
In short, these two softwares provides a good starting point for discovering more aspects of secure web application development using PHP.


1) Windows XP
2) XAMPP 1.5 - Download from here or here.
3) PHPDesigner 8 - Download from here or here.

Configuration Files Backup:

As you progress with your development activities, you may have changed the httpd.conf and php.ini and wish to restore them. Download the original files here:

Application Set Up:

1) Extract xampp to c:\xampp15.
2) Extract PHPDesigner to c:\apps\phpDesigner8x15
3) Pin the executable program for both software to Start Menu.
4) Before you run xampp-control, run setup.bat first.
5) Run xampp-control from the Windows Start Menu.
5.1) Click the Start button for Apache and MySQL.
5.2) XAMPP Control Panel is a convenient tool. However, there may be times that your Apache and MySQL refuses to start or stop (because of conflicting processes, services etc.). 

You can use dos command to execute the start/stop job.

6) Run Internet Explorer and test the following URL:
You should be able to see the respective pages. Otherwise, there could be some problems with your servers.
7) Run PHPDesigner.
7.1) Go to menu tools/preferences/…
Set localhost value to oint to htdocs of XAMPP.
7.2) Click New file.
7.3) save as C:\xampp15\htdocs\testnew.php.
7.4) Click localhost.
You should be able to see “test new” text in the viewing window.
8) Set Debugger and Run parameter values.
8.1) Go to menu tools/preferences.
8.2) Set values for PHP Debugger using Xdebug section.
8.3) Set values for Run PHP section.
9) Test Debug and Run.
9.1) Open testnew.php
9.2) Edit line no. 7 as echos (“test new”);
9.3) Click Debug/Run.
When prompted with option to break on first line?, click No.
9.4) Xdebug Warning message pops up.
9.3) Run.
Click the drop down button for Run and choose Internet Explorer.
This shows that PHPDesigner is able to Debug, Run and display Error message.


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